surya kramer

Middletown California USA

“A champion of the human heart and community pollinator, Surya is best known for her pioneering work in the area of emotional awareness and relational intelligence. She is a passionate teacher, healer, and certified hypnotherapist with over two decades of experience accelerating human development. As a performing artist, she explored and mapped the delicate terrain of emotional wounds, bringing light into the dark spaces of human experience that social conditioning insists we repress and deny. This exploration led her to create SEE Nature’s Way, a mastery course for authentic expression. 

In recent years, she has been working to build new models in the social arena. A skilled sounding board and guide, she has a unique ability to shepherd groups as they map out a social blueprint that affords maximum stability and agility. Keenly aware of subtle dynamics that are often invisible to the naked eye, Surya attends to organizational dynamics with precision, integrity and enormous compassion

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