
Kevin Simpson

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

I was born in Jamaica into a Christian home, but at no time was I a Christian, I hated church and often would stay behind allowing my parents to go ahead of me. As younger lad however my father would make sure I attend Sunday school, but once I was old enough to sneak out I did just that, but at the age of 18 I begin to wonder about life.
My uncle had passed away and I will never forget his helpless body in that casket, from that time on I wanted to know what happen to people when they die. It was obvious to me that people weren't too happy when their loves one dies, so something must be going on, so after my 18 birthday I begin to seek the God of creation and I found him ten days after, it was a life changing event.
After receiving the Lord I did not remain committed, after some years I was separated from God doing whatever I love the most. I would often visit the night clubs and hanging out with the wrong crowd, but again the Lord called and I gave my life to him.

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