
Denise Lau

San Francisco U.S.A.

"Better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books" ~ a Chinese proverb

I am a blogger, a traveler, and a self-learner in technology, writing, cooking and arts appreciation. When did I start doing all these? I began to blog in May, 2012 after having attended a technology conference. In less than two years, I have created at least 6 public blogs:

◾ My Notebook
◾ Falling in love with Arts
◾ Exploring Turkey and Greece
◾ Food for Thought
◾ "from curiosita to connessione

I am also an author of four books , two on, others on, and all on iBookstore:

◾Easy Chinese Home-Cooking Recipes
◾Angkor Wat, Cambodia
◾Eastern Europe Trip Highlights
◾Turkey and Greece Delights

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