
Rima Samman

Bridgewater, New Jersey USA

Rima Samman is a professional photographer currently living in New Jersey. Throughout all her life she has consistently had a passion for both photography and art.
She's been recognized for several different works-in both medias. In 1997 her painting "Sunbather," and in 2003 for her Photography Exhibition on Peru "Vaneza's Homeland."
She has a degree in Applied Science- majoring in Professional & Commercial Photography.
Now at thirty years old, she continues to enjoy capturing the moments through her lenses as she continues to develop her personal photography studio.
Rima has managed to make a reputation for herself as having a multitude of talents in the arts field. Articles have been written on her in the past in local papers such as The Courier News, and The Home News Tribune.
Her work was described to "belie" her age and to "display a wide ranging talent, as well as cultural and environmental insight and sensitivity."-courier news

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