
Vlad Dumitrescu

Brasov, Romania

I have been in love with my country for all my life. All the trips that I made during my childhood helped me feel this way. I did not miss any opportunity to discover new places or to revisit some that were already dear to me. I have met people, I have entered a little in their lives and I have listened to their stories. I discovered photography many years ago. Through my camera, I managed to bring home a bit of what I experienced on my trips and share with others what I saw and felt.

In time, I have been slowly drawn into the life of Romanian village. I like, first of all, its people and the traditions that, fortunately, are still preserved in some places… I like to think that my pictures will be able to keep some of its charm, the charm of the Romanian village.

I invite you, to come with me into this wonderful world, to see people, lights, old habits.

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