Eniola Alakija is a visual artist, a lover, a book reader, a piano player, and a food lover. Eniola brings a unique style to every image he captures, with a splash of creativity.
Eniola is an awarded internationally renowned photographer whose work has been featured in international publications such as the Huffington Post. His work has taken him far and wide across Europe, USA, Africa and the Middle East.
Also passionate about ART, Eniola has created various paintings which are proud features in many homes across the world.
Eniola is seen as a wealth of information and knowledge when it comes to photography. He mentors a few photographers and regularly teaches a large group of photographers during his numerous photo-walk sessions.
Eniola currently lives England but travels around the world frequently. He enjoys good company, a good book, soul music, painting, eating his favourite Nigerian dishes and he supports the best football team in the world. ARSENAL FC.