
KJ Shows

Kennebunk ME US

Full-time Artist working and living in Kennebunk Maine

KJ Shows was born in Seabrook, Texas in 1965.

In 1985 Shows graduated from the Art Institute of Houston. In 1988 Shows relocated to Sacramento, CA and worked for Anne Bruce Inc. Advertising as their Assistant Art Director. Shows was drawn to the creative environment and contemporary art scene in San Francisco so in 1989 relocated there and worked for David Neuman Enterprises as a silk screener.

In 1990 Shows took a job with American Airlines as a Ramper to have flexible hours devoting more time to painting. The job with American also had the added benefit of traveling the world to experience different cultures and draw inspiration from international art shows and Museums. Living in San Francisco, Shows participated in a number of group and solo exhibits.

In 2001 Shows moved to Kennebunk, ME. In 2012 Shows retired from American Airlines to paint full time.

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