
Betsy Huete

Houston, TX, USA

Betsy Huete is an artist and writer living and working in Houston, TX. She received her BFA from Rice in 2006 and is currently pursuing an MFA in Sculpture from the University of Houston, where she will graduate in 2014. Huete has had solo exhibitions at both Lawndale Art Center and Matchbox Gallery, and participated in Houston’s Fringe Festival in 2012. She attended the artist residency Mildred’s Lane during the summers of 2012 and ’13 and was included in the residency’s exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in the fall of 2012. A regular contributor to Houston art blog The Great God Pan is Dead, Huete has also reviewed for, and recently served as the assistant editor for the Art Lies section of Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts. Additionally, she recently collaborated on Dis Manibus: A Taxonomy of Ghosts From Popular Forms published by Information as Material in the UK.

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