
Jen St. Louis

Ontario, Canada

Jen St. Louis has loved taking pictures since her mom (a very talented landscape and travel photographer) gave her a camera as a gift the Christmas Jen was nine years old. For years she maintained an on-again-off-again relationship with photography, learning about composition and developing her eye by emulating her mother's work, but never taking the hobby too seriously. Over the past eight or nine years, though, her love of photography has turned into her passion.

Until recently, Jen preferred to shoot landscapes, architecture, nature, and different travel destinations; but the wildlife photography bug bit her in late 2009, and since then, she's focused on birds, birds, and more birds, with a few animals thrown in for variety.

Jen grew up in Toronto, but now lives in rural Southwestern Ontario with her husband, Dave, and furry, four-legged, barking child, Mindy.