
Melvin Doster


Born in Cleveland, Ohio, brother to three sisters and son of Arthur and Lorene Doster. The idea of me writing this book came when I realized about twelve years ago that I could say more if I would just write it down on paper.

Anything that interests me, I wanted to know about, but the one thing I wanted to know about the most is who or what created the Universe?
Now writing has been my life's journey, and I am enjoying every minute.

I only started writing to document all that I discovered over the years about our Creator.
And now I want to share that information.

I am an Investigator. In fact, we are all investigators. Some of us are just not seeking or searching Truth on a spiritual level.

When it comes to spirituality, we must become seekers.
Remember, "Seek, and you shall find.’’

I want people to understand that I am not part of any religious organization, nor do I speak for one.

If you are searching for spiritual Truth, hopefully, you will find some here.
Thank You!

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