MAYA FREEMAN, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist, over 15 years in the fitness, health and wellness industry.
Various clientele include, weight challenged (loss/gain), senior citizens, athletes, youth/teenagers, pre/post natal women and other special populations'.
Maya Da Traina© helps to create a new, positive, wellness lifestyle for the individual in training. In 2006, a Core/Functional and Weight Loss and Maintenance fitness program was developed called,“Core Consciousness©". "Core Consciousness©" is a functional, core training technique that improves posture, body alignment & muscle tone using your body not weights.
Eating correctly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is all we can do. Distractions are everywhere, stay focused and positive mentally, you can achieve anything.
Remember life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you want, but you can only spend it once. Life is challenging enough, why be in pain?
Contact Us: mayadatraina@gmail.com