


I am a tuned investor in the global market for nine years. A wise investor always keeps an eye on global events that change the course of big economies.
In 2007, Steve Jobs introduced a product that would make Apple the richest company on the planet. Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. An iPod, a phone, and an internet communicator made an iPhone. Today, we look back and it all looks so easy. The launch of the iPhone could have gone disastrously wrong and Apple’s fortunes along with it. Instead, the iPhone became the fuel for a new fire of social media. The internet experience became usable, real, tangible, and popular. That was where iPhone excelled. The impact of it was unprecedented resulting in human connectedness, just like tiny machines connecting the world ever more connected. The World Wide Web was initially invented to help scientists communicate and share data. Now, it resides in the palm of almost everyone on the planet.