
Michelle Marra

Philadelphia, PA

Michelle Marra was born in a small town in New Jersey and now lives in Pennsylvania with her wife of twenty-five years. Michelle's creative mind is always at work, whether it is in the form of children's books, poetry or lesbian fiction; she is always writing. When not writing she is an avid guitar player and song writer.

Michelle spends her days hard at work in the IT field in Philadelphia. She is an advocate for the rights amongst all species as well as truth and justice. With the completion of her Master's in Criminal Justice, Michelle is looking to assist in the research and education for intimate partner violence as she seeks to join the sector of higher education.

When not working or writing, Michelle enjoys Philadelphia's night life and dancing the night away with her beautiful wife. She also enjoys spending time with family and friends; and when she finds the time, you will spot Michelle with a guitar in her hand or her nose in her kindle.

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