
Noan Major

New York

Blurring the lines between painting, photography, film, wall sculpture, digital art, live performance and design, Noan Major’s body of work investigates the metaphysical and universal concepts of existence. From his live interventions in Time Square NYC and Dubai’s deserts to his stunning mixed media works, Noan Major’s art is represented in various private collections across North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Noan's work figures in many important collections, including the Ono/Lennon collection and royal family collections. Invited by The Canadian Embassy of Dubai and the University of Canada in Dubai, Noan Major recently had the honor to represent Canada in Abu Dhabi located in the United Arab Emirates. Since 2002, Noan Major mainly shares his time between Montreal and New York. He also travels the world supporting and connecting uplifting communities, individuals and businesses, exploring and manifesting emerging solutions to alternative living through celebrations.

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