


<br> Trigger points can be described as knots within soft tissue which develop from the trauma of a particular muscle group or excessive use of that particular muscle. The pain associated with a trigger point could be excruciating and could cause pain to other regions of the body. These trigger points can be found all over the body, however they are most common on the back and neck. A massage therapist who is licensed may use pressure to release muscles tension and remove stubborn knots through trigger point.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Most people experience trigger points at some point throughout their lives. Injury that is not intentional can lead to this pain, such as the straining of muscles during sports or coughing. The trigger point massage is an excellent way to ease those discomforts and permit you to live a healthier way of life. It is possible to try this type of massage once or two times a day and see how it affects yo