
Ricky Sueltenfuss

Homer, Alaska. United States

I like my life to feel like a permanent holiday. The typical two week vacation once a year is more like being teased and just doesn't do it for me. My work must be something I love although, I do not believe in the saying "find a job doing something you love and you'll never work a day in your life". Very untrue. A summer season doing any work in Alaska is hard and it is work!
I grew up a sort of rebel against the grid. A nonconformist riding skateboards, racing motocross and mountain bikes.
This job of mine suits my style, not the rebelious side but, the ability to share what I love to do. It takes me into remote parts of Alaska where there are no cell phones or roads for 100 miles and the flying can be like riding motocross. Huge mountains, volcanos, glaciers, waterfalls, ocean and amazing wildlife are in every direction for hundreds of miles.

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