
Everlasting Footprints Photography

Carson City, NV

Award win­ning por­trait pho­tog­ra­phers John and Sharon Green bring a fresh per­spec­tive to pro­fes­sional fine art fam­ily pho­tog­ra­phy and wedding photography by fus­ing their expe­ri­ence as portrait pho­tog­ra­phers with their ele­gant edi­to­r­ial style. The Green's style blends photojournalism with modern fine art to capture all the the details, moments as they unfold. John and Sharon capture shooting in their Carson City por­trait stu­dio and on loca­tion at Northern Nevada rivers, mountains, parks and of course beautiful Lake Tahoe Nevada; The Greens' cre­ate stun­ning preg­nancy & mater­nity por­traits, beau­ti­ful new­born baby por­traits as well as vibrant fam­ily and chil­dren por­traits in a nat­ural, relaxed set­ting that allows their subject’s true per­son­al­ity to be cap­tured in their work.


Wedding Photography
Portrait Photography
Maternity Portraits
Newborn Photography
Children Photography
Family Portraits
Glamour Images

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