Steve is an Honorary Deputy Chief with the FDNY. Steve Donates his photos and videos to the FDNY for training and publication purposes. Steve has been following the FDNY for more than 40 Years. Steve's photos appeared in all of the major NYC area newspapers. He has been published numerous times in Firwe Engineering, Firehouse and WNYF magazines.
Steve Spent 8 years working for NYC EMS, before becoming a NYS Court Officer in 1983. Steve rose up through the ranks and retired from the NYC Court System in 2010, as An Associate Court Clerk. Steve has a number of Self published books. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, The Day the Towers Fell. "Ground Zero Heroes", Shea Farewell, The Demolition of Shea Stadium and "Going Going Gone" The Demolition of Yankee Stadium Photo books.