
Sylvia D. Mitchell

Brooklyn, NY

SYLVIA D. MITCHELL was born in Mt. Vernon, New York and raised in the Bronx. She says, “Being one of fourteen children, I prayed for just an hour to be home alone in peace with my thoughts. For me, writing is personal, peaceful, and private.”
Ms. Mitchell's achievements as an author and poet for over thirty years, became a springboard to write her first book. “PINK FRIDAY”, a novel about a teenager’s response to conflict with her battered and bruised spirit. With a glimmer of light, she makes a plan to get away from it all...definitely a much sweeter revenge.
Her second book, "LAVENDER", continues Martha’s turbulent life through adulthood. During the course of her trials, she embraces the Lord’s plans for her to prosper, when He places someone in her life to guide her on His path.
SILVER SALVATION, the final destination of Martha’s journey from a battered, bruised and broken spirit to her victorious Release into Salvation - A breakthrough that reveals God’s Master Plan.