Barry Norman has been a media junkie, having worked in the magazine, newspaper, radio, television and film industries. In the music biz, he was the creator/writer/producer of the nationally syndicated, alternative radio show, Cross Currents (currently in pre-production for an independent doc), and in the promotion department for Savage Records which released David Bowie’s album, Black Tie White Noise.
In film, he was the Founder and Executive Director for the Dahlonega and Rome (GA) International Film Festivals His film Deadbeats stars a young Melissa McBride (Carol from The Walking Dead) and Mick Foley (Cactus Jack, Dude Love and Mankind from professional wrestling) and has been illegally pirated and downloaded all over the world.
AMBIENT SANITY is his fifth book. His previous books include his autobiography trilogy, Flipping Point, The Angriest Childhood in the World and The Delightful Denver Doldrums.