Over het boek
Eve and Venus. An orphan and an anchorite. Saint Ursula and two doomed bears. A silent robot and sacred trees. Catherine of Aragon and Shakespeare’s Sycorax: these voices, and more, form the chorus of Carolyn Oliver’s Mirror Factory. In these persona poems, figures speak to each other, and to us, stepping out of myth, history, religious texts, paintings, art museums and film, orbits and oceans. They wonder about love and death, about being and belonging. They ask us to face the hungers we cannot conceal.
Over de maker
Bone & Ink Press
Racine, WI, USA
Bone & Ink Press is a small press based in southeastern Wisconsin, founded in 2017. We are committed to publishing the works of marginalized writers. We are committed to publishing writing that startles like a shout in the street.