Imperfect Offerings - Vol. 7 - Vistas III
Screen Life
door R. David Fletcher
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Over het boek
The seventh in his Imperfect Offerings poetry series, this volume continues the author's deep-dive into our cyber world. As in hell, the demons have many faces, but there is only one.
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Over de maker
R. David Fletcher
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I am a poet residing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I favour the traditional verse form of poetry defined by meter and rhyming. As T. S. Eliot said, poetry is a music of ideas, “expressing feeling for syllable and rhythm, penetrating far below conscious levels of thought and feeling, invigorating every word; sinking to the most primitive and forgotten, returning to the origin and bringing back, seeking the beginning and the end." Welcome to my music of ideas. - R. D. Fletcher