Over het boek
In January of 2010 I traveled with my camera through some rural, less industrialized areas of northern Thailand and Laos. While "less industrialized" can sometimes mean less money, less education, and less of a lot of other economic things, I found that it in no way means less kindness, smiles, and warmth. And it often means more--sometimes much more--of these priceless things.
I tried to capture glimpses of this humanity in my photos of the people and countryside I met and saw along the way.
Tim Roper
I tried to capture glimpses of this humanity in my photos of the people and countryside I met and saw along the way.
Tim Roper
Over de maker
Tim Roper
Palo Alto, CA
When traveling with my camera, I simply wander, in search of new colors, light I can feel, and people in their everyday lives. Fleeting encounters with strangers may seem to offer little in the way of meaningful interactions. But spontaneity often reveals raw and genuine glimpses of personality unencumbered by politics, economic conditions, or age. My own humanity grows with each such encounter, and I hope that the photographs in my books impart something of these intangible moments.