Over het boek
Don't expect to like it all or to find all the pieces 'comfortable' or 'nice' because there was little that was comfortable about that first Advent. The 'wise men' only appear in passing due to their being late to the party. And here we won't dabble with the villain of the piece - Herod doesn't feature at all.
Over de maker
Keith Wallis is an English poet and photographer who combines both to produce work that touches the emotions. He began submitting work for publication in the 1980’s. The small press magazines and anthologies of that era used his poetry and graphic work. Four small booklets followed: Wordsculptures Marketplace of Masks Real Tears and Crocodile Smiles Concrete Womb Joining Christianwriters.com in 2005 (and subsequently becoming a moderator) re-energised his writing. Recently work has been published by: RootsWorship, EveryDayPoets, PoetryMonthly International, Word Catalyst Magazine, The Cypress Times, Christian Poet's Pen, Perpetual Magazine, Bewildering Stories and he is 'Poet in Residence' at Ruby e-zine. blog: http://wordsculptures-keith.blogspot.com/