Over het boek
Dad’s Wisdom is a book written by a father for his children, but it applies to all children - - ages 10 to 100.
The author felt that an important part of parenting is trying to instill into his children his ‘life lessons’. These values, tips, beliefs, processes, rules, etc make life easier, richer, and more enjoyable, and they should be passed down and shared. It’s a critical parenting and leadership responsibility. Most fathers try to do this by leading-by-example or by oral lecture, but it occurred to the author that it might be useful for his children to actually have a written account of what he thinks is important as they make life’s journey. They can use it as a reference for when he’s gone, and they can add to it and pass it on down to their offspring.
But others outside his family will find it similarly useful, enlightening, and thought provoking. The book’s content is concise, to-the-point, easy to read, and not too preachy or long.
The author felt that an important part of parenting is trying to instill into his children his ‘life lessons’. These values, tips, beliefs, processes, rules, etc make life easier, richer, and more enjoyable, and they should be passed down and shared. It’s a critical parenting and leadership responsibility. Most fathers try to do this by leading-by-example or by oral lecture, but it occurred to the author that it might be useful for his children to actually have a written account of what he thinks is important as they make life’s journey. They can use it as a reference for when he’s gone, and they can add to it and pass it on down to their offspring.
But others outside his family will find it similarly useful, enlightening, and thought provoking. The book’s content is concise, to-the-point, easy to read, and not too preachy or long.
Over de maker
John Bowers
John, along with his wife Diane, have successfully raised three great children. They live with their dogs, Spooky and Angel, and a cat, Sliver, in a bedroom community of Atlanta.